I like to treat this place like a digital refrigerator. If I'm proud of something and want to show it off, it goes up on the fridge. So, thanks for being here and checking out my projects! Make yourself at home, and be sure to check back soon for updates!
New Blog Entry! + The Written Works section is under construction to be reformatted. Check back soon for its return.
New Blog Entry!
If you're reading this, I've just uploaded the latest Sparrowfish update! Most of the newest additions are quality of life improvements on my end, like galleries with pages of content and a navigation bar that doesn't have to be manually updated. Also! A new tentative mobile version of the website made with CSS media queries. A lot changed in a very short amount of time, and I'm sure there's a bug or two lurking around somewhere. If you find something that looks broken, please reach out and let me know.